Friday, February 13, 2009

ED 632 Week 5 Podcasts

Blog posting was not required this week, but I've decided to post some comments and ideas from the google discussion group.

The questions for the Ed 632 google group discussion for Week 5 are:

1. What sources of podcasts did you find?

CNN News Podcasts--There are many podcasts to choose from. My favorites are Anderson Cooper and CNN Student News.

PBS Podcasts offers several different podcasts. My favorites are: Nature, Nova, and Frontline.

2. Would you recommend them?

Yes! For current events, CNN Student News is great! I love Anderson Cooper for my own news. The podcasts have an easy search feature too. PBS shows like Nature, Nova, and Frontline show the most current news and discoveries.

3. How would you use them in your classroom?
You've watched these shows for years on television. Now subscribe to the podcast and show just the sections that relate to your lessons that day. I like to show current events about the region we are currently studying in world geography class. Usually, there are three or four different topics in the fifteen minute students news report. Sometimes I'll show all three segments, but often I will show just the current news that relates to our current area of study. It would be a neat idea to have kids research a current news topic and create their own news podcasts. The PBS podcasts of Nature, Nova, and Frontline can supplement any science or social studies lesson.

Here are some sites that were mentioned in our discussion group:

This Common Craft video clearly and quickly explains "What is a Podcast?"

Mashable website for podcasting tips and free media links.

Mastery Maze is an excellent source of short vodcasts to review many subjects.

Itunes has lots of podcasts. I will check out "Backyard Film School" for my daughter.

LibriVox includes audio versions of novels, short stories, and poetry.

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